Eye Issues Guide
Eleve su bienestar acercándolo de manera integral.
Resuelva sus problemas de salud mediante

NuestroEsencias de hierbas ofrece un alivio natural y suave de los síntomas, promoviendo el bienestar integral.
incorporandosoluciones a base de hierbas junto con el asesoramiento médico pueden complementar su viaje hacia una mejor salud.

Beneficiándose de los remedios herbarios
The Melipona Bee (Xunáan Kaab) 20ml
The Melipona Bee (Xunáan Kaab), Sacred to the Mayans, has been used from time immemorial to the present day to treat different types of conditions such as wounds, infections, hormonal disorders, eye ailments, cancer, leukemia, with great results.

A powerful antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, immunostimulant, antioxidant, and cell regenerator. In this dropper presentation, it is ideal for treating eye ailments and small wounds. Ingredients: 100% pure Xnàan Kaab (Melipona) bee honey. All ingredients are processed ecologically and artisanally 100%.
For preventive eye health, apply a drop in each eye once or twice a week.

For conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, infections, irritations, conjunctivitis, etc., apply 1 to 3 times a day, morning, afternoon, and night. Do it for 3 consecutive days and leave one day without applying, then continue for another few days, and so on subsequently. Minimum treatment of 1 month or until the condition disappears. For wounds, such as diabetic ulcers, skin infections, apply a layer directly to the affected area, once disinfected.

Sufres de algo más?
Averigüemos sus necesidades y encontremos la atención adecuada
As a certified coach, I must get to know the person
before providing tailored solutions.
Iniciemos un diálogo de descubrimiento
Esta es una cuidadosa historia clínica que recopila y verifica su idoneidad para el tratamiento, ascertainiciando tu experienciactaciones, discutir las opciones de tratamiento y asegurarse de que las comprenda, lo que conducirá a una mayor satisfacción y resultados exitosos del tratamiento.