Leaky Gut Syndrome Guide
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Resuelva sus problemas de salud mediante

NuestroEsencias de hierbas ofrece un alivio natural y suave de los síntomas, promoviendo el bienestar integral.
incorporandosoluciones a base de hierbas junto con el asesoramiento médico pueden complementar su viaje hacia una mejor salud.

Beneficiándose de los remedios herbarios
Licorice Root Tincture
Licorice root is an adaptogenic herb that thrives in USDA growing zones 6 through 11. It is well known for its strong candy flavor but is a valuable medicinal herb for treating many illnesses.
Glycyrrhiza glabra and Glycyrrhiza uralensis are medicinally similar, but here we are referring to Glycyrrhiza glabra. It is a member of the legume/pea family (Fabaceae).
Identification: Glycyrrhiza glabra grows to approximately 3 feet tall (0.9m). Its pinnate leaves are 3 to 6 inches long (7.5 – 15cm) with 9 to 17 leaflets each. The purple to pale blue flowers are about 1/2 inch long (1.25cm), growing in a loose inflorescence. In the fall the plant produces fruit in the form of an oblong pod, each of which contains several seeds. The root produces runners growing close to the surface.
Leaky gut, or intestinal permeability, is an inflammatory disease of the intestinal tract. Licorice root soothes the intestines and reduces inflammation in the gut and throughout the body.
Leaky gut, or intestinal permeability, is an inflammatory disease of the intestinal tract. Licorice root soothes the intestines and reduces inflammation in the gut and throughout the body.
Peptic Ulcers: Licorice root is effective against the Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause peptic ulcers. The root kills the bacteria and helps heal the ulcers in most people.
Heartburn, Stomach Problems, and Acid Reflux: Licorice root has shown to be effective against indigestion heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, stomach pain, and nausea.
Fertility Problems, PMS, and Menopause Symptoms: Licorice root has an estrogen-like effect in women, due to the compound glabrene, which is a phytoestrogen. It has been shown to help menstrual and fertility problems. When used as a hormone replacement therapy, it reduces hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause due to the compounds liquiritigenin and glabrene.
Cancer: Licorice root may aid in the treatment of prostate and breast cancers. Research is still in progress on the use of licorice in cancer treatment, but the early results are promising.
Hepatitis C: Glycyrrhizin is an anti-viral and antiinflammatory. It may act against the virus causing hepatitis C and helps reduce long-term liver damage from the disease. Herbalists use glycyrrhizin to treat chronic hepatitis C that does not respond to traditional treatments.
Immune System, Antiviral, Antioxidant:
Licorice has proven antiviral, antibacterial, and antioxidant effects, boosting the work of the immune system. As an antiviral, it helps prevent diseases such as hepatitis C, HIV, and Influenza.
The Common Cold, Cough, and Sore Throats: In addition to its antiviral and anti-bacterial benefits, licorice root also acts as an expectorant, loosening and expelling mucus from the throat and lungs.
It is soothing and anti-inflammatory, which helps relieve the symptoms of sore throats. Use licorice root or leaves in tea, syrups, or to make cough drops for use against sore throats. It can also be used as a gargle.
Respiratory Issues: Licorice is useful in treating respiratory problems. It helps the body produce and expel mucus, which keeps the respiratory system clean and functioning properly. Used for COPD as well.
Treats Eczema, Skin Rashes: Licorice acts as a hydrocortisone to alleviate eczema, cellulitis, and folliculitis. Its anti-inflammatory benefits also help reduce swelling and irritation in skin conditions. Use licorice topically in a cleansing tea or in lotions or gels to relieve itching, redness, scaling, and inflammation caused by eczema or other skin problems.

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