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The peppermint plant—a hybrid of water mint and spearmint—is a popular powerhouse of nature. It was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Peppermint’s versatility comes from its remarkable combination of flavor, aroma, and wellness benefits.


Peppermint essential oil has a high menthol content and a distinct, invigorating aroma that creates a positive and energizing atmosphere that’s perfect for mental and physical activity.


Clinical research suggests ingesting Peppermint promotes healthy gut flora and digestive function and may help alleviate digestive discomfort.


It may also support cognitive health and function when four drops are consumed.


Because of the essential oil’s high menthol content, Peppermint may be soothing when used in a massage. It has a cooling effect when applied topically and may provide the feeling of open airways when inhaled.


A culinary chameleon, Peppermint also works in both sweet and savory dishes. From candies to sauces, it can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary!

Peppermint Oil


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