High Cholesterol Guide
Elevate your well-being by approaching it holistically.
We endorse a three-pillared healthy lifestyle method, informed by both personal success and widespread effectiveness, incorporating Self-healing, Nutritional Enhancement, and Herbal Remedies.
These solutions synergize to comprehensively address diverse health issues for optimal well-being.

Our herbal essences offer natural, gentle relief from symptoms, promoting holistic wellness.
Incorporating herbal solutions alongside medical advice can complement your journey to better health.

Benefit From Herbal Remedies
Milk Thistle Tincture
Helps Lower High Cholesterol: Milk thistle is a powerful anti-inflammatory with heart-healthy benefits, including lowering high cholesterol by cleaning the blood, decreasing inflammation, and preventing oxidative stress damage within the arteries.

Harvesting: Always wear protective clothing and heavy gloves when harvesting milk thistle, as it is very irritating to the skin. Cut off young flower heads with scissors and young leaves from the stalk. Harvest milk thistle seeds by cutting off the seed-heads and placing them in a paper bag in a cool, dry spot. After the seeds dry, remove them from the seed head, one at a time, and brush away the debris. The cleaned seeds store best in a container with a tight lid.
Medicinal use: Both the leaves and the seeds are used medicinally. The seeds can be eaten raw, and both the leaves and seeds can be used as a tincture, extract, or tea. You can grind the milk thistle seeds into a powder and put it into capsules for people who find the flavor disagreeable or need an easy way to take it. I make a tincture of milk thistle seeds and dandelion root for the liver. Silymarin, the most actively medicinal compound in milk thistle, is only found in the seeds.
Supports and Detoxifies the Liver: Milk thistle seeds are excellent at decreasing or even reversing liver damage caused by disease, environmental pollutions, chemotherapy, poisons, and drug or alcohol abuse. Milk thistle dramatically improves liver regeneration in hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver syndrome, and jaundice.

Prevents Gallstones and Kidney Stones: Milk thistle seeds support the endocrine and gastrointestinal systems and helps clean the blood. It works closely with the liver and other digestive organs to purify the body and reduce the risk of gallstones and kidney stones.
Helps Lower High Cholesterol: Milk thistle is a powerful anti-inflammatory with heart-healthy benefits, including lowering high cholesterol by cleaning the blood, decreasing inflammation, and preventing oxidative stress damage within the arteries.
Milk thistle is effective in lowering total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in people with diabetes and heart disease.
Prevent or Control Diabetes: Milk thistle helps control the blood sugar and decreases blood sugar levels in insulin-resistant patients. For best results, use it regularly. The improved blood sugar control is due to the improved health of the liver and its function in releasing insulin and other hormones into the bloodstream.
Antidote for the Ingestion of Poisonous Mushrooms: Milk thistle seed’s ability to protect the liver is so strong that it is even able to treat people poisoned by Amanita mushrooms, which destroy the liver. In fact, it is often the only treatment option for these patients and is given intravenously. Always be careful when harvesting and eating mushrooms. If you believe you’ve ingested poisonous mushrooms, seek medical help immediately.
Estrogen-Like Effects: Milk thistle leaves have some estrogen-like effects that stimulate menstruation and increase the flow of milk in breast-feeding mothers.
Cancer Treatment: Milk thistle seeds are sometimes used as a treatment for prostate, liver, and skin cancer, as silymarin has anticarcinogenic effects and protects the liver and kidneys during chemotherapy.

Take Nutrients From Good Food
It's true, we are what we eat. Our food choices influence our energy levels, vitamin intake, blood sugar levels, and beyond. The connection between what we consume and our overall health is undeniable.
Make informed choices, and let your diet become the foundation for a healthier, more vibrant you.

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